Homophobic incident at Bedford Street Bar

A Pride festival appreciation post is coming… But first there is something we feel the need to share.

Two of our trustees met for lunch today and decided to go to Bedford Street Bar in Leamington. While deciding what to order, they heard a conversation between the barman and a customer about yesterday’s Pride. Some of the quotes overheard include:

  • “LGBTQ1234+”
  • “Sexual predators”
  • “Bunch of freaks”
  • “Kenny Everett drag queens”
  • “Camping down the Parade”

Our trustees got up, went to the bar and said after listening to that they are leaving and not spending their money there. The customer suggested he takes our trustees outside for a hiding. The barman did nothing. One of our trustees told the customer to f**k off and then both trustees left.

Less than 24 hours after the end of this year’s Warwickshire Pride, we have been confronted with why Pride is still needed. After experiencing someone setting fire to our flags, ripping flags down and taking them, destroying our gazebos and smashing glass on the Pride site, to have this happen so soon after is a reminder of why we do this.

Hate will never win. Hate will only strengthen us. Hate will only make us louder and prouder.

We will be contacting Bedford Street Bar for comment. We will also be contacting the Police and the press.