LGBT+ Equality Award

Helping voluntary, public, and private sector organisations
to support LGBT+ people across Warwickshire

Warwickshire Pride has launched a LGBT+ Equality Award for voluntary, public and private sector organisations. Obtaining the award from Warwickshire Pride sends a clear message that your organisation is doing all it can to support LGBT+ people. It demonstrates your commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and ensures you are complying with the Equality Act 2010.

Signing up to the award is free of charge, and the benefits to your organisation will be huge. You will be a shining example of what an organisation in the 21st century should be, as well as leading the way for other organisations to follow. Wouldn’t it be great if every voluntary, public and private sector organisation in Warwickshire achieved the award? Think of the difference that would make for LGBT+ people across the county.

To achieve the award, your organisation will be required to meet a set of criteria that demonstrates your commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all people, including staff and your customers, clients or service users. The criteria are:

  1. Review your equalities policy and submit to Warwickshire Pride for feedback.
  2. Make sure everyone who works within your organisation or accesses it is aware of your equalities policy and its content.
  3. Plan how you can make your organisation completely LGBT+ friendly and implement that strategy (e.g., specific services for LGBT+ people, availability of gender neutral toilets for trans people, making sure your current services are LGBT+ friendly).
  4. Display literature about LGBT+ topics or the support services available.
  5. Include links to LGBT+ support services on your organisation’s website.
  6. Sign up all staff within your organisation to attend Warwickshire Pride’s LGBT+ Awareness training (a charge applies for the training).

Warwickshire Pride is here to support your organisation to achieve the award. Upon successful completion, your organisation will be rewarded with a certificate of accreditation that lasts for three years to show your earning of this award.

Please contact Warwickshire Pride at [email protected] or via our contact page to discuss your organisation’s involvement in this scheme. More information can also be found in our documentation.