Trustee Role application Contact DetailsName *PronounsEmail Address *Phone *Street Address *CityCountyPost CodeApplicationWhat interested you in becoming a trustee with Warwickshire Pride? *How do you meet the person specification? *Tell us more about yourself: your hobbies, interests, work experience, and skills *BackgroundPlease provide details of two people who can act as references *Please include their email addresses and relationship to you.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence, have any pending cases against you, or been given a caution or warning by the police? *YesNoPlease disclose the details of the criminal offence, pending case, caution or warning. *EqualityHow do you identify your sexual orientation?You may leave this blank if you prefer not to answerHow do you identify your gender?You may leave this blank if you prefer not to answerWhat is your ethnicity?You may leave this blank if you prefer not to answerDo you consider yourself to have a disability?You may leave this blank if you prefer not to answerI confirm that all information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge Send Message