Addressing counterfeit reviews left for Bedford Street Bar

Hi. We have a request. You may be aware that some of our team recently experienced homophobia at Bedford Street Bar. We are currently working with the owner to resolve the issues.

However, we have noticed reviews have been left on Bedford Street Bar’s Google and Trip Advisor profiles that look like they are written by someone from Warwickshire Pride.

Whether it’s intentional or not, please do not write reviews that make it look like those reviews are coming from Warwickshire Pride. It’s really unhelpful and Bedford Street has rightly asked why Warwickshire Pride is writing negative reviews on various platforms.

We haven’t written any reviews and do not endorse people writing reviews on the charity’s behalf.

Homophobia is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. What our team experienced is unacceptable. We know that other people have experienced homophobia there and feelings on this are strong. We just ask that we are allowed to engage with Bedford Street in a productive way to work through these challenges.