Trans people to lead this year’s Warwickshire Pride March

Following last year’s first ever Warwickshire Pride March through Leamington town centre, Warwickshire Pride’s board of trustees has decided to welcome trans people to lead the march again this year.

Trans people continue to be attacked by our government, the media, people in positions of power and influence, and in communities. Pride started as a protest and still needs to be a protest. As a community, we need to stand alongside trans people and be visible, vocal allies. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. Non-binary people are valid. Trans rights are human rights. Warwickshire Pride will always be #PrideWithTheT

Chair of Trustees, Daniel Browne

Warwickshire Pride 2023 takes place on Saturday 19th August at the Pump Room Gardens in Leamington Spa, with a march through the town starting the event. Registration for the March is now open.